Coaches Meeting

Post date: Feb 22, 2012, 7:35 PM by Scott Megill

Kiran and I will be hosting a meeting of any potential coaches this Saturday, the 25th at 7pm at Kiran's house.  If you have any interest at all in seeing what coaching an FLL team is all about, we would welcome you to join us.  

Attending the meeting is in no way a commitment to coach.  This is purely an information session.  

We will be talking about the upcoming season, the formation of a 'coaches network' and reviewing the registration list of participants to form preliminary teams.

Don't be shy!  If you have even toyed with the idea of working along side your child in this exciting competition, please come and find out if coaching is for you.

If you would like to attend, please contact either Kiran or myself and we will forward along meeting location details.  If you would like to find out about coaching but can NOT attend the meeting this Saturday, please also reach out to Kiran or I and we would be happy to fill you in separately.

Contact Kiran/Scott