Signups End June 4th (and more dates)

Post date: Jun 3, 2019, 8:57 AM by David Swingle

Signups for kids ends on Tuesday, June 4th.  Even if your child was on a team last year, you still need to sign them up for this year.

More dates (all meetings are at the Moorestown Library unless otherwise specified):

June 10th:  FLL Jr. 6:30-7:20, FLL 7:30-8:20.  Mandatory Coaches meeting.  Introductions, logistics, then draft for teams that need more kids.

June 18th:  6:30-8:30.  Coaches Project and Core Values Training.  This is for all new coaches and returning coaches that want to learn some 'tips'.

July 10th:  6:30-8:30.  Coaches Robot, Coding, Robot Design.  This is for all new coaches and returning coaches that want to learn some 'tips'.

Following meetings have not been scheduled yet:

Coaches Advanced Robot

Kids Coding and Robot Design

FLL Judging - this is a great class that gives you insight into what judges look for but will also help you become a volunteer judge.